Paradise Park ~*
My Place in Cyberspace! ^-^

I made this page to showcase all of the drawings my friends have drawn for me over the last few years :3 ~! Some have been drawn by those super close to me, others have been drawn by visitors to my site who just felt like doodling me for some reason! I'll be sure to share credits under each picture and maybe some thoughts about them too ^-^
I really like to get art, so if you've drawn something you'd like to show me you can send me an Imgur link or something on my Guestbook if you wanna!

Instead of doing a description for each picture (as she's drawn so many ;-; thank you so much) I figured I should probably just write a section to fill in the gap for this bit. One of the first friends I made since coming to Earth was a dragon called Viper and she's a really really really super really good artist and she says she likes drawing me whenever I tell her about "silly" (or I think awkward ;-; lol) situations I get into and stuff. She's drawn so many pictures of me over the last 4 years that I can't even count anymore! You should really check her out here if you want to get something drawn! She does commissions sometimes and she's super friendly and nice! ^-^

This picture was drawn for me pretty recently by the very kind 4chan artist who goes by Scraggleman (thank you! :3) he's drawn me a few times over the years and is one of the first people who drew me aside from my friend, Viper! Most of the pictures he drew of me years ago are from when I had a much shorter mane which is why I look a little different in some of them than I do now :'3 I've been growing my mane out lately so I've changed a little looks wise and I think this picture shows that! nwn.

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